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Richard Marx - Again

There's been no sunlight
Since the day you said goodbye
Since the moment that my life
Turned into a masquerade

I can't even pretend to
Paste a smile across my face
All my dreams have been erased
There's nothing left to save me

And you
You're the only one can stop my sky from falling
You're the only one who's name I keep on calling
When everything is closing in
And you
You're the only one can stop this heart from aching
You're the only one who can stop me from shaking
And put me back together

What I'd give just to wake up
And wipe your memory from my eyes
But I can't wish for bluer skies
I've never been quite so hopeless

And you
You're the only one can stop my sky from falling
You're the only one who's name I keep on calling
When everything is closing in
And you
You're the only one can stop this heart from aching
You're the only one who can stop me from shaking
And put me back together

And if you stay away
I fear it will all be too much
And if you stay away
I'll be a man who's lost his touch

And you
You're the only one can stop my sky from falling
You're the only one who's name I keep on calling
When everything is closing in
And you
You're the only one can stop this heart from aching
You're the only one who can stop me from shaking
And put me back together


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 249

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