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If I gave you my love
I tell you what I'd do
I'd expect a whole lot a love outta you
You gotta be good to me
I'm gonna good to you
There's a whole lotta things you and I could do
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What about the way love me {What about the way you love}
Ooo and what about the way you squeeze {What about the way you squeeze me}
It's simply beautiful yeah yeah
Beautiful yeah
Yeah It's simply beautiful baby {aww baby}
Simply beautiful
The way you love me it's simply beautiful {simply beautiful}
I'm gonna be good to you {very good to you}
So many thing I could do for you baby
Our love is simply beautiful {beautiful}
Simply beautiful
When you get right down to it
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{Too wonderful to talk about too lovely to even talk about Queen you know how I feel about ya}
When ya need me I'll be right there {right there}
Simply beautiful
When ya need me {need me} I'll be right there {right there}
Simply beautiful {I love ya baby I'll never, never, never, never, never leave ya}
Need me, right there {you're beautiful}
Simply beautiful {simply beautiful I swear to myself I just sit back and think about it}
Simply beautiful
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 312
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