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Phantom Planet - Anthem

I woke up today a song was swimming in my head
And I hummed it to myself as I got out of bed
And on the way to take a shower it all just dawned on me
That a song like this just might go down in history
I quickly ran back to get my guitar
A pen and some paper

'Cause this whole world needs an Anthem
And I'm trying to put the words where they belong
Yeah this whole world needs an Anthem
And I'm hoping everyone will sing along

Well I quickly got to work and put the song in gear
And my neighbor rang the doorbell said it caught his ear
I was playing it so loud the whole neighborhood could hear
And at night from every household it became quite clear
Everyone was singing along
The same notes the same song
Or maybe I heard it wrong

'Cause this whole world needs an Anthem
And I'm trying to put the words where they belong
Yeah this whole world needs an Anthem
And I'm hoping everyone will sïng along.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 418

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