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Pharrell Feat Kanye West - Number One

{feat. Kanye West}

{Intro - Kanye West {Pharrell}}
World's world's world's famous {2X}
Your now listening to {girl}
Skateboard P and the Louis Vuitton Don {I'm back}
It's so unfair so unreasonable
Let's go

{Verse 1 - Pharrell {Kanye West}}
I musta hurt your feelings {come on}
Your temper hit the ceiling
You know I wanna talk to you {get em P}
Oh girl come on {come on}
But to maintain this living {come on come on}
God knows it's not given {come on}
You know I got a lots to do {let's take em up}
Oh girl come on {come on}
I know this part ain't pretty {come on come on}
But you know I been busy {yeah}
Thats why I can't talk long on the phone {uh huh}
Oh girl come on {come on}
So honey if you with me {come on come on}
Know I'll look for your pretty {yeah}
Face to smile when I get home
And when we make love you know it's gon' be amazing {yeah}
Cause you're my

{Chorus - Pharrell {Kanye West}}
Number 1 {baby girl you and me}
Smash hit {thats a hit to me}
Off the charts {look how she get to me}
Classic {she may not be nothing to you but she the shit to me}
Soon as I'm done {tell me how you love that}
I'm dashing {number 1 can't put nothing above that}
Home to hold your heart {you deserve a verse from me}
And smash it {we gon' party like it's our anniversary}

{Verse 2 - Pharrell {Kanye West}}
Didn't I just tell ya {yo}
That you're my Cinderella {get em P}
My dream ball ain't fixed one sight {come on}
Oh girl come on {come on come on}
Baby.. you know I'd rather be where you are {world's famous}
You are my shining star
But last night that just wasn't right
Oh girl come on {come on come on}
I know this part ain't pretty {come on}
But you know I been busy
Thats why I can't talk long on the phone {the international}
It's hard for you baby girl come on {world's famous}
So honey if you with me {yeah}
Know I'll look for your pretty {everybody}
Face to smile when I get home {I need you to sing along with me}
And when we make love you know it's gon' be amazing {this part right here it's coming up check it out}
Cause you're my {everybody say}

{Chorus - Pharrell {Kanye West}}
Number 1 {baby girl you and me}
Smash hit {thats a hit to me}
Off the charts {look how she get to me}
Classic {she may not be nothing to you but she the shit to me}
Soon as I'm done {tell me how you love that}
I'm dashing {number 1 can't put nothing above that}
Home to hold your heart {you deserve a verse from me}
And smash it {we gon' party like it's our anniversary}

{Verse 3 - Kanye West}
Yesterday I was half the man you see
Baby thats because you the other half of me
You my number 1 hit on the line of the charts
I'mma {FedEx} my love and have you +sign+ for my heart
For my number 1 I keep ya dumb fly
Fresh to death you like after death
I resurrected my gold Jesus of Nazareth
Now we {Fresh} as a {Prince} while they {Jazzy Jeff}
And you don't be saying shit when they asking questions
A-a-and you be giving me my space a-a-and
You don't be running on +myspace+ a-a-and
You know some other shit I hate w-w-what
W-w-when they violate b-but
Tonight man I ain't in the mood for it
Don't matter who wore it, you wore it.
Look how ya co-or Dinated man that's my favorite
I love the way that it

{Chorus - Pharrell {Kanye West}}
Number 1 {fits on you}
Smash hit {girl that's the shit on you}
Off the charts {look how she get to me}
Classic {she may not be nothing to you but she the shit to me}
Soon as I'm done {t-tell me how you love that}
I'm dashing {number 1 can't put nothing above that}
Home to hold your heart {you deserve a verse from me}
And smash it {we gon' party like it's our anniversary}

Number 1 {come on come on}
Smash hit {you're my number 1 girl} {come on}
Off the charts
Classic {you're my number 1 girl} {come on}
Soon as I'm done {come on come on}
I'm dashing {you're my number 1 girl} {come on}
Home to hold your heart
And smash it {you're my number 1 girl} {take em up}

{Outro - Kanye West {Pharrell}}
World's world's world's famous {you're my number 1 girl}
World's world's world's famous {you're my number 1 girl}
World's world's world's famous {you're my number 1 girl}
World's world's world's famous {you're my number 1 girl}

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 447

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