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Pedro Cazanova - My first love

You`re my…
You`re my first love
You`re my first love
You`re my first love

You`re my…
You`re my first love
You`re my first love
You`re my first love

When I saw you, I know
That you can make me believe
Now I can`t forget you
My first Love…

You`ve touched my soul with your first kiss
And I can see into your eyes
Now I`m in love with you
My first love…

The time can pass but I`m sure
That you will always `there with me
Now I`m in love with you
My first love…

Oooohhh ooohh
My first love
Now and forever
My first love

You`re the only one
Who can make me believe
Now and Forever
My first love

The time can pass but I`m sure
That you will always `there with me
Now I`m in love with you
My first love…

I can`t forget you…
You`re in my mind..
Now and forever..
My first love

My first love
Now and forever
My first love

You`re my first
You`re my love
You`re my everything

Baby when you make me smile
You make me feel you all the time

You will always `there with me
You will always make me love you
I can`t forget you baby
You`re my love

You`re the only one
Who can make me believe
Now and forever
My first love

The time can pass but I`m sure
That you will always `there with me
Now I`m in love with you
My fïrst love…

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 282

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