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Pete Yorn - Black

Black is a cast,
And two is a crowd,
And gold rim is an answer.
Black is a crowd.

I am just for you,
As you are not for me
So even if you stop,
You?re sitting here by yourself,
You can never try to answer anymore,
You can never start
And see what you?re doing to me.

Kiss, they were the ones,
They dressed like something so special,
And death is to begin,
caress, I think it?s a sin?

I was alone,
Only ?til you took me away,

And you can never stop,
You?re sitting all by yourself,
You can never try to argue anyone,
You will never stop and see,
What you?re doing to me.

I?m alone,
While he was standing next to you,
And days prolong,
Yeah there was time,
just you wait and see,

Waiting for a bottle of truth,
I?m just a lonely guy in my youth,
Waiting for you is all I wanna do,

So if you couldn?t stop,
You?re sitting all by yourself,
You can never try to argue anyone,
you will never stop and see what you?re doing to me,

You can never stop,
You?re sitting all by yourself,
You can never try to answer anything,
You will never stop and see,
What you?re doing to me,

What you?re doing to me,
What you?re doing to me,
What are you doing wïth me

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Categoria: Versuri melodii

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Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 269

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