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Paul Van Dyk feat Jessica Sutta - White lies

Uh oh
I'm being pulled into the fire of intoxic flame
I'm too close
And there's a good chance that I won't get away
And I needed going into the daylight
And I'm looking for it into the night
Then I think about it and I can't live without it
You're telling me that that's alright

Can't get enough
Can't get enough
When you're telling me the white lies
It's getting rough and I wanna know
If I'm addicted to your white lies
In vain
Can't get enough
Can't get enough
When you're telling me the white lies
It's getting rough and I wanna know
If I'm addicted to your white lies
In vain

Don't go
I tell myself that I'm not really hooked on you
But I know

If I stay then your use will become abuse
When I'm trying not to break the fever
And the madison just won't take
Then I think about it and I can't live without it
You're telling me that that's alright

Can't get enough
Can't get enough
When you're telling me the white lies
It's getting rough and I wanna know
If I'm addicted to your white lies
In vain
Can't get enough
Can't get enough
When you're telling me the white lies
It's getting rough and I wanna know
If I'm addicted to your white lies
In vain
Can't get enough
Can't get enough
When you're telling me the white lies
It's getting rough and I wanna know
If I'm addicted to your white lies
In vain

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 311

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