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Paul van Dyk Second Sun /Crush - paul van dyk

I know you want me
Cant run away, can't run
away from me
I'll navigate the seven
seas just to find you
Cant hide away, can't hide
away from me
I'll be a shadow when the
sun don't shine
I'll be a fly on the wall, a
wrecking ball,
Your wake up call on a
sleepless night
I'll be your cigarrete-
Your junkie's dope,
You'll be hanging by a
And I'll be holding the
Cars and planes and boats
wont do, yeah you can be
sure I'll find you
I know you want me...
Why wont you see me?
If I suffer then you'll too,
I'm not alone out in the
You can't escape me...
I won't just disappear...
Cant fly away, can't fly
away from me,
I'll grab your wings and
pull back down
Cant walk away, can't
walk away from me,
Cant you understand we
are meant to be
I'll be the soles on your
Your sticky sheet,
Your big black cloud on a
sunny day,
I'll be your shoulder's chip,
your sinking ship,
Don't try to turn the page,
it's not easy to spit...
Cars and planes and boats
won't do, yeah you can be
sure I'll find you
I know you want me
Why wont you see me?
If I suffer then you'll too,
I'm not alone out in the
You can't escape me
I won't just disappear
I know you want me
Cars and planes and boats
wont do, yeah you can be
sure I'll find you
I know you want me
Why wont you see me?
If I suffer then you'll too,
I'm not alone out in the
You can't escape me
I won't just disappear
Cars and planes and boats
wont do, yeah you can be
sure I'll find you
I know you want me...
Why wont you see me?
If I suffer then you'll too,
I'm not alone out in the
You can't escape me
I wont just disappear...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 302

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