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Panic! At The Disco - Baby one more time

[Performed by Brendon Urie]
[Originally by Britney Spears]

Oh baby baby,
How was I supposed to know?
That something wasn't right here,
Oh baby baby,
I shouldn't have let you go,
And now you're out of sight, yeah,
Show me how you want it to be,
Tell me baby cuz I need to know now,
Oh because.

My loneliness is killing me,
I must confess I still believe (Whoaoa)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind,
Give me a sign,
Hit me baby one more time!

Oh baby baby,
The reason I breathe is you,
Boy you've got me blinded,
Oh pretty baby,
Theres nothin' that I wouldn't do,
Thats not the way I planned it.

Show me how you want it to be,
Tell me baby cuz I need to know now,
Oh because.

My loneliness is killing me,
I must confess I still believe (Whoaoa)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind,
Give me a sign,
Hit me baby one more time!

Oh baby baby,
How was I supposed to know,
Oh pretty baby,
I shouldn't have let you go,
I must confess that my loneliness,
Is killing me now,
Don't you know I still believe,
That you will be here,
And give me a sign,
Hit me baby one more time.

My loneliness is killing me,
I must confess I still believe (Whoaoa)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind,
Give me a sign,
Hit me baby one more time!

I must confess,
(My loneliness)
That my loneliness,
(Is killing me)
Is killing me now,
(I must confess)
Don't you,
(I still believe)
Know I still believe,
That you will be here,
(I lose my mind)
And give me a sign...
Hit me baby one more tïme!

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 306

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