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Paramore - Adore

I don't mean to run,
But every time you come around i feel more alive than ever
And i guess it's too much,
Maybe we're too young and i don't even know what's real
But i know i've never wanted anything so bad,
I've never wanted anyone so bad

If I let you love me,
Be the one adored,
Would you go all the way?
Be the one I'm looking for
If I let you love me,
Be the one adored,
Would you go all the way?
Be the one I'm looking for

Help me come back down,
From high above the clouds you know I'm suffocating but I blame this town
Why do I deny,
The things that burn inside down deep I'm barely breathing but you just see a smile
And I don't want to let this go,
Really I just want to know

If I let you love me,

Be the one adored,
Would you go all the way?
Be the one I'm looking for
If I let you love me,
Be the one adored,
Would you go all the way?
Be the one I'm looking for

Be the one I'm looking for

If I let you love me,
Be the one adored,
Would you go all the way?
Be the one I'm looking for
If I let you love me,
Be the one adored,
Would you go all the way?
Be the one I'm looking for
If I let you love me,
Say the word adored,
Would you go away?
be the one i'm lookïng for

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 295

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