I speak in verses, prophecies, and curses [x2]
I hate my life
No miracle is coming
Hate you
It's just a hole
Hate you
Nothing's wrong with you
Hate you
Must maintain control
Hate you
Everyone's asking questions
No place is safe
I'll forfeit resurrection
To escape this pain
I hate my life [x8]
I speak in verses, prophecies and curses
This storm of thorns is growing
Hate me
There's no end in sight
Hate me
Chaos claws my jaw
Hate me
And incites a mental riot
Hate me
I'm in the mouth of madness
With a tongue of poetry
I ate the spine of Atlas
Now the world is crushing me
I hate my life [x6]
Buried alive behind enemy lines
Surrogate child for the sins of all mankind
Buried alive behind enemy lines, buried alive, buried alive [x3]
For the sins of all mankïnd
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 368
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