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Outlandish - Aicha

So sweet, so beautiful
Everyday like a queen on her throne
Don't nobody knows how she feel
Aicha, Lady one day it'll be real

She moves, she moves like a breeze
I swear I can't get her out of my dreams
To have her shining right here by my side
I'd sacrifice all the tears in my eyes


Aicha Aicha - passing me by (there she go again)
Aicha Aicha - my my my (is it really real?)
Aicha Aicha - smile for me now
Aicha Aicha - in my life


She holds her child to her heart
Makes her feel like she is blessed from above
Falls asleep underneath her sweet tears
Lullaby fades away with his fears



Needs somebody to lean on (lean on)
Someone body, mind & soul (body, mind & soul)
To take her hand, to take her world
And show her the time of her life, so true (true)
Throw the pain away for good
No more contemplating boo


Lord knows the way she feels
Everyday in his name she begins
To have her shining here by my side
I'd sacrifice all the tears in my eyes
Aicha Aicha - ecouté moi


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 478

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