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NOFX - All of Me

All of me, why not take all
Can't you see I'm no good without you?
Take these arms, I want to lose them
Take these lips, I'll never use them
Your goodbye left me with eyes
How can I go on dear without you?
You took the best so why not take the rest?
Why not take all of me?

All of me, why not take all of me
Can't you see I'm no good without you?
Take these arms, I want to lose them
Take these lips, I'll never use them
Your goodbye, left me with eyes to cry
How can I go on dear without
You took the part that once was my heart.
Why not take all of me?

Categoria: Versuri melodii

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Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 299

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