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Nick Jonas ad The Administration - Conspiracy Theory

1, 2, 3
Come on, Nick

Oh, oh, oh Yeah

Conspiracy theory
Better keep it down
Cause the walls are thin
And the word is out

Lock your lips
Don't you make sound
Cause the walls are thin
And the word is out

Better that you didn't know
Better that they didn't choke
That's right

Why do we need to live in fear
Knowing that the threats are real
This time

Conspiracy theory
Gonna make you shake
Don't hit the brake
No time to waste now

Lock your lips
Better hit the road
Cause the one I'm waiting on is gonna fade away

Better that you didn't know
Better that they didn't choke
That's right

Why do we need to live in fear
Knowing that the words are real
This time

Conspiracy theory
Conspiracy theory

Conspiracy theory
Better keep it down
Cause the walls are thin
And the word is out

Lock your lips
Don't you make sound
Cause the walls are thin
And the word is out

Better that you didn't know
Better that they didn't choke
Why we need to live in fear
Knowing that the threats are real
This time

na na na na...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 243

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