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Nick Kamarera - Beautiful(feat Deepside Deejays)

II`m addicted to the beautiful days...
And beautiful smiles...
This is my life...

When i see the sun i'm feeling so high...
I`m addicted to life... you should better try

I`m addicted to the beautiful days...
And beautiful smiles...
This is my life...

When i see the sun i'm feeling so high...
I`m addicted to life... you should better try

It's a beautiful day..
The sun is awake
He shows me the way...
To give the world more love...

I`m feeling so blessed for my life with no stress
I have more then less.. to spread the world more love

addicted to this world...i needed more and more.
addicted to this love... i needed more and more
addicted to this world...i needed more and more..
addicted to this love... i needed more and more
i needed more and more...

I`m addicted to the beautiful days...
And beautiful smiles...
This is my life...

When i see the sun i'm feeling so high...
I`m addicted to lïfe... you should better try

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 249

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