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monrose - strictly physical

Just let me know
It's strictly physical...

Dirty dancing low, so physical
Feels like a fire
Daddy even you know
We're getting close to the border
so over we go
The way you're watching me baby
tells me you're feeling my flow
So if you want it

Refrain :
Just let me know
If you want it ah ah just let it go
If you need it boy it's strictly physical
If you want it oh then just let me know
If you got it 'cos it's strictly physical
It's strictly Physical
It's strictly

Don't be a fool boy
Just 'cause we're dancing go go
It's just an illusion
Leave your emotions at home
I'm stripping you down with my eyes
I like what I see
We've made a connection
Boy let's do it freaky
Do it freaky

Refrain :
Just let me know
If you want it ah ah just let it go
If you need it boy it's strictly physical
If you want it oh then just let me know
If you got it 'cos it's strictly physical

Just let me know
If you want it ah ah just let it go
If you need it boy it's strictly physical
If you want it oh then just let me know
If you got it 'cos it's strictly physical

Yeah yeah yeah

Dett dett dett
Dett dett dett
Dett dett dett
It's strictly physical

Dett dett dett
Dett dett dett
Dett dett dett

Uh Uh yeah yeah

Dett dett dett
Dett dett dett
Dett dett dett
It's strictly physical

Dett dett dett
Dett dett dett
Dett dett dett
It's strictly physïcal

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 316

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