When I'm with you
Everything seems better
Now i know i see it all today
We were meant to be together
I'm in pain when you're away
Come on and save me I'm loosing my touch
Day after day cause I miss you so much
Come on and save me I'm loosing my mind
Waiting and waiting for you to be mine
Come and save me from me...me
Come and save me from me...me
When I'm with you
Everything seems better
Now i know i see it all today
We were meant to be together
I'm in pain when you're away
Come on and save me I'm loosing my touch
Day after day cause I miss you so much
Come on and save me I'm loosing my mind
Waiting and waiting for you to be mïne
Come and save me from me...me
Come and save me from me...me
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 289
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