How many "Tell me what youll become when you grow up questions have you heard
Since you were born, they are history now
But your head is still full
Saying its mine, its yours, its hers you share life
With your love not worth even a penny
What? Shes betrayed you, too, right?
So then? Whats left behind?
Look, man, youre a classic portrait, what a pity
Do whatever you want, youre free,
OK, you study, but thats not enough, it wont end your afflictions
Youll break out of your shell, youll save yourself from depression
Youll stop living like she wants and youll return to reality
But before that
Youll draw a woman
This one wont leave and escape like her
Youll hide and lock her up
So that no one (but you) would love her
And now as if these werent enough, you gave yourself to love? Oh my!
Stop dealing with these stupid things,
Follow the masses, live your life
If you cant do that, pretend, but eat what youve cooked, build your own fake world
Cuz these are valued, look, even love seems to be a lie, sold in market,
Everyones mad, man,
Even your own words uttered stab you in the back
Live knowing all these and never,
Never say youll eat this bullshit
One day youll come and show yourself, your love, what you want
But for now youll take a pen and pour off, vent your hatred
Youll stop for a moment to think, youll ask yourself
Why this system is like that, why everyones fake
But then youll see and realize theres no remedy,
You will continue living a lie
One day youll come and show yourself, your love, what you want
But for now youll take a pen and pour off, vent your hatred
Youll break out of your shell, youll save yourself from depression
Youll stop living like she wants and youll return to realïty
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 262
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