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Marius Moga - I want you back

I'm so tired of myself
And those pictures on the shelf
Just talk to me, I'm crazy...
Got no love under my skin
And my hope is getting thin
I'm missing you, baby...
I've been sleeping on the floor
To keep the bed just like before
You left me...
It's a shame I didn't know
To appreciate you more,
Now I see...

There's no much philosophy,
I just wrote this melody from my heart..
Cause I want you back...
(Come back, come back to me...)
And I love you...
I love you, I love you so love me...
I want you back...
Come back, come back to me...
(I want you so bad...)
I love you, I love you so love me...


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 433

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