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Marius Moga feat Zero - Come this way

[C'mon all the people put your hands in the air]

I don't feel my hands, I wanna touch you but I can't
I'm tryin' to move my feet, but they do not understand
And everytime I close my eyes, I'm going down down
I'm trying to escape this freaky underground

They say :
Come this way, the voices are calling,
Come this way, the bass is running trough my veins
Come this way, the voices are calling me,
Come this way, "I can't to sing"

Come this way, if you're ready for hardcore
I just wanna know, are you ready to come?
Come this way, if you're ready for hardcore
I just wanna know, are you ready to take me home?


You're looking for the sun, I'm always looking for the silence
Looking for a quiet place to rest my head
You're looking for the light, I'm always sitting in the darkness
I see the agony, he wants to be my friend!

He says :

Come this
Come this way, the voices are calling,
Come this way, the bass is running trough my veins
Come this way, the voices are calling me,
Come this way, "I can't to sing"

Come this way, if you're ready for hardcore
I just wanna know, are you ready to come?
Come this way, if you're ready for hardcore
I just wanna know, are you ready to take me home?

[C'mon all the people put your hands in the air]

C'mon all the people put your hands in the air
God damn, I got another, can you say it again?
It's vicious unbelivebly rockalicious
Hit me with the baseball getting car polished
With my 5 kilo drumm I'm gonna smash the speakers!

Let me give you Paul, let me give you drive high five
For the begining of a brand new Jack
Hey hey
What you doing, what you come this way?
And let me kick it, let me frick it till you go insane

Come this way, if you're ready for hardcore
I just wanna know, are you ready to come?
Come this way, if you're ready for hardcore
I just wanna know, are you ready to take me home?

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 256

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