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Maroon 5 - Angel in blue jeans

I saw an angel in blue jeans today
I felt that she melted all my bitterness away
You always tried so hard to hide your wings behind your coat
So let it be and let them free
So you can't hoover low above the ground

You look so tired you've got moonbeams in your eyes
And if I believed I know you'd be the first to fly
You always tried so hard to hide your wings behind your coat
So let it be and let them free
So you can't hoover low above the ground

I'll find sunshine sometime soon
How can I miss anything about you
When I don't even know what your name is
I feel like I know you as well as I know the sun
So please tell me where is my sunshine now

I'll find sunshine sometime soon
How can I miss anything about you
When I don't even know what your name is
I feel like I know you as well as I know the sun
So please tell me where is my sunshine now

How can I miss anything about you
When I don't even know what your name is
I feel like I know you
As well as I know the sun
And I wonder where is my sunshïne now

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 469

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