A shooting star fell down to earth
lightning cracked the sky
something weird is happening
something I can't deny
A strange kind of magic
running through my brain
feel I'm in heaven
or going insane
'Cause everytime we touch
I get this feeling
and everytime we kiss
I swear I could fly
can't you hear my heart beat fast
I want this to last
need you by my side
'cause everytime we touch
I feel the static
and everytime we kiss
I reach for the sky
can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
wan't you in my life
The wind was like a hurricane
storm clouds filled the sky
I heard a crash of thunder
the earth shook in reply
a strange kind of magic
running through my brain
feel like I'm in heaven
or going insane
'Cause everytime we touch
I get this feeling
and everytime we kiss
I swear I could fly
can't you hear my heart beat fast
I want this to last
need you by my side
'Cause everytime we touch
I feel the static
and everytime we kiss
I reach for the sky
can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
wan't you in my life
`Cause everytime we touch
I get this feeling
and everytime we kiss
I swear I could fly
can't you hear my heart beat fast
I want this to last
need you by my side
'Cause everytime we touch
I feel the static
and everytime we kiss
I reach for the sky
can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
wan't you in my life
Cause everytïme we touch...
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 312
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