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Lost Angel - I'll take your breath

1. I saw you around
I thought that I found
One of all those stars
That burns into your eyes
If you'll call me to night
I'll be on your side
I need to know from you
If love it's fake or true.
I'll take your breath
And I'll steal your kiss
That is always there
In your frozen lips
I'll take your breath
With my super touch
And I blow tyour mind
'cause you like so much.
2. I believed in my heart
I've trust all your words
I'll never do the same
I'll never trust that flame
If you'll call me tonight
I'll be on your side
I need to know from you
If love ït's fake or true.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 238

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