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Lionel Richie - All Around The World

All around the world
Let's go all around the world
All around the world
Take me all around the world
Give me joy, give me love
Take it all around the world

So much love, love is real
So much life, life is what you feel
It's in your mind, it's in your heart and soul
The time is right , you've just got to know
It's time to let go

All around the world
Let's go all around the world
All around the world
Take me all around the world
Give me joy, give me love
Take it all around the world
I said all around the world
Let's go all around the world

Make a wish, dreams come true
Follow your heart, it is only for you
It's crazy, it's a crazy world
Come to the music, come lose your mind
Follow the rhythm, don't get left behind

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 224

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