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Lita Ford - Close My eyes Forever(feat. Ozzy Osbourne)

I get so scared inside, and I don't really understand
Is it love that's on my mind, or is it fantasy?
Is in the palm of my hand, and it's waiting here for you
What am I supposed to do with a childhood tragedy?

If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain the same?

It's hard to hold on
So hard to hold on to my dreams
It isn't always what it seems
When you're face to face with me

You're like a dagger
And stick me in the heart
And taste the blood from my blade
And when we sleep, would you shelter me
In your warm and darkened grave?

If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain the same?

Will you ever take me?
No, I just can't take the pain
But would you ever trust me?
No, I'll never feel the same, Oh

I know I've been so hard on you
I know I've told you lies
If I could have just one more wish
I'd wipe the cobwebs from my eyes

If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remaïn the same?

Close your eyes
Close your eyes
You gotta close your eyes for me

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 226

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