I am you and you are me
Why's that such a mystery ?
If you want it you got to believe
Who are we ?
We're who we are
Riding on this great big star
We've got to stand up if we're gonna be free yeah
If you want it you got to believe
Believe in yourself
'Cause it's all just a game
We just want to be loved
The Son of God is in your face
Offering us eternal grace
If you want it you've got to believe
'Cause being free is a state of mind
We'll one day leave this all behind
Just put your faith in God
And one day you'll see it
If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself
'Cause it's all just a game
We just want to be loved
The future's in our present hands
Let's reach right in
Let's understand
If you want it you've got to believe yeah
If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself yeah
'Cause it's all just a game
We just want to be loved
Categoria: Versuri melodii
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Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 213
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