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Leticia - Dreaming of you

Without you I’m lost and sorrow
Can I get into your mind
No one cares about tomorrow, hey
No one cares about your life
I’m dreamin’of you
I’m dreamin’of you
I’m dreamin’of you
I’m dreamin’of you

Into my life , come back
My life, come back
How do you feel loving alone
Into my life, come back
My life, come back
How do you feel loving alone

You better run run
Into my life life
You better love love
You better try try
You better run run
Into my life life
You better love love
You better try try
I’m dreamin’of you
I’m dreamin’of you
I’m dreamin’of you
I’m dreamin’of you

Into my life , come back
My life, come back
How do you feel loving alone
Into my life, come back
My life, come back
How do you feel loving alone
I’m dreamin’of you
I’m dreamin’of you
I’m dreamin’of you
I’m dreamïn’of you

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 225

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