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Krepuskul - Dead Inside

Walk the line of pure isolation,
Trapped inside of dead human soul.

Dead inside (x4)

Sorrounded by walls of hypocrisy,
I build them slowly just for me.

Dead inside (x4)

I will look for the rest of my life
For a way to forgive my soul.

I will not stop ’till my mind is gone.

Running over the hills of human mind,
Listen to the sound of the silence.

Dead inside (x4)

Living on ilusion of knowledge,
I’ve been defetead by my dying heart.

Dead inside (x4)

I will look for the rest of my life
For a way to forgive my soul.

I will not stop ’till my mind is gone.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 211

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