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Kutless - Again

Awakened from a dream again to a sunrise of your own
How could I expect any more from the one who is so pure
Yet u gave up your life and your still giving more This must inply that,

Love again, again, again
I don't deserve this love you gave
Love again, again, again
I don't deserve this love u gave to me

A fountain flows with gifts from u
That I do nonthing for
You cover me with your love though I nailed u to a cross
I don't understand but I thank u the same
This must imply that

Love again, again, again
I don't deserve this love you gave
Love again, again, again
I don't deserve this love u gave to me

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 235

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