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Johnny Logan - Hold me now

Don't, don't close your heart to how you feel
Dream, don't be afraid that dream's not real
Close your eyes
Pretend it's just the two of us again
Make believe this moment's here to stay
Touch, touch me the way you use to do
I know
Tonight could be all I'll have with you
From now on
You'll be with someone else instead of me
So tonight
Let's build this memory for the last time
Hold me now
Don't cry
Don't say a word
Just hold me now
And I
Will know though we're apart
We'll always be together
Forever in love
What do you say when words are not enough
Time, time will be kind oce we're apart
And your tears
Tears will have no place in your heart
I wish I
I cold say how much I'll miss you, when you're gone
All my love
FOr you will go on and on and
Hold me now
DOn't cry
Don't say a word
Just hold me now
And try
To understand that
I hope at last you've found
What you've been searching for
And though I won't be there anymore
I will always love you
Don't say a word
Just hold me now
And I will know though we're apart
We'll always be together
Forever in love
What do you say when words are not enough
What can I say now
My words are not enough...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 237

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