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Jojo - Anything

No I don't know
Qhat you do when you do what you do boy
But baby baby baby baby
I don't even care no more
You've got me so
Caught up in this careless voodoo boy
Baby baby baby babe
I wanna be there for sure

Cause every time that we rendezvous
I don't wanna go back home
And every time that I'm holding you
Ain't no way to let you go
You're shining down boy the game is through
Listen I don't wanna play no more
Cause the only one that I want is you
Tell me what you wanna do because baby

Cause I just can't stay away
There's nothing that I can do
And baby you can have your way
Just as long as I can have you

And I'd do anything baby
Do anything for ya
And I'd do anything baby
Do anything for ya

Now I've been told
That you got you a cutie but you ain't sure
Baby baby baby baby
You won't wanna let him go
Cause I've been told
Got you on check _ no more
baby baby baby baby
you know where ya'll wanna roll

Cause every time that we rendezvous
I don't wanna go back home
And every time that I'm holding you
Ain't no way to let you go
You're shining down boy the game is through
I don't wanna play no more
And the only one that I want is you
So tell me what you wanna do because baby

Cause I just can't stay away
There's nothing that I can do
And baby you can have your way
Just as long as I can have you
And I'd do anything baby
Do anything for ya
And I'd do anything baby
Do anything for ya

I'm down anything, boy, you and me
It's the way you know it's supposed to be
Cause I would do anything for you baby
I'm down anything, boy, you and me
Should be doin what we both know comes naturally
Anything yeah baby cause I

Cause I just can't stay away
There ain't nothing that I can do
And baby you can have your way
Just as long as I can have you
And I'd do anything baby
Do anything for ya
And I'd do anything baby
Do anything for ya

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 272

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