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John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air (1978)

Love is in the air everywhere I look around
love is in the air every sight and every sound and I don't know if I'm being foolish
don't know if I'm being wise
but it's something that I must believe in
and it's there when I look in your eyes.

Love is in the air, in the whisper of the tree, love is in the air in the thunder of the sea,
and I don't know if I'm just dreaming,
don't know if I feel safe,
but it's something that I must believe in
and it's there when you call out my name,

Love is in the air,
love is in the air,
oh, oh, oh, oh, uh,
uh, uh, uh.

Love is in the air, in the rising of the sun, love is in the air, when the day is nearly done, and I don't know if you are illusion,
don't know if I see truth,
but you are something that I must believe in,
and you are there when I reach out for you.

Love is in the air everywhere I look around
love is in the air every sight and every sound and I don't know if I'm being foolish
don't know if I'm being wise
but it's something that I must believe in
and it's there when I look in your eyes.

Love is in the air,
love is in the air,
oh, oh, oh, oh, uh,
uh, uh, uh.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 271

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