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John Denver - Annie's Song

I¡¯m bringin¡¯ me home to you
It¡¯s all that I have to give
My life, my love, my everything
It¡¯s you I choose to be with

Had a wonderful time in the city
I smile when I recall
The space, the songs, the company
I really had a ball

It¡¯s a funny set of circumstances
Is me out on the road alone
With the moon lookin¡¯ over my shoulder
I¡¯m findin¡¯ my way back home

I¡¯m bringin¡¯ me home to you
It¡¯s all that I have to give
My life, my love, my everything
It¡¯s you I choose to be with

Ridin¡¯ high in the Rocky Mountains
It¡¯s a quiet and peaceful time
I¡¯d swear the stars are smilin¡¯
Like they know what¡¯s on my mind

You see on any such an occasion
My thoughts will turn to you
The time I spend all by myself
I mostly spend with you

La la la.

I¡¯m bringin¡¯ me home to you
It¡¯s all that I have to give
My life, my love, my everything
It¡¯s you I choose to be with

When I laid down beside you
And all the love that you showed
I want to live my life with you
It¡¯s all the dreams that I know

Bringin¡¯ me home to you
It¡¯s all that I have to give
My life, my love, my everything
It¡¯s you I choose to be with
It¡¯s you I choose to be with
It¡¯s you I want to live with

La la la.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 238

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