You can make me fly
Oh baby tell me why I feal so alive
Fly above the sky you takein me so high
Cause you make me fly.
Im never alone cause youre in my soul
You bringing the sun into my life and I know
Youll be by my side in you I confide
Theres no were I can hide my love shines inside
When night is too dark you lighting my heart
And when I was down you were the treasure I found
Were angel cant come
You resqued my soul
Theres no were I can hide
my love shines inside.
You were the love that I had always dreamd of
And I know you feal it too
Im lost in youre light of youre magical eyes
And to ïnlove to
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 413
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