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Jasmine Sullivan - Lions , tigers and bears

I`m not scared of lions and tigers and bears [oh no]
But i`m scared of ...loving you .
Im not scared to perform at a sold out affair [that`s right]
But I`m scared of ... loving you .

Am I the only one who thinks it`s an impossible task ?
Why it don`t last? . Is that too much to ask? .
. Why do we love L0VE ..when Love seems to hate us ? .

Sorry if I sound so filled with gloom ..
You say you care and I know you do ...
But this is from my experience ...
And my conclusion only makes sense ...
Just 'cause I love you ...And you love me ,
. It doesn`t mean that we`re ment to be .

I can climb mountains , swim cross the seas...
But most frithening thing is You & Me ...

Chorus :
I`m not scared of lions and tigers and bears [oh no]
But i`m scared of ...loving you .
Im not scared to perform at a sold out affair [that`s right]
But I`m scared of ... loving you

Am I the only one who thinks it`s an impossible task ?
Why it don`t last? . Is that too much to ask? .
. Why do we love L0VE ..when Love seems to hate us ? .

Most circumstances I know my fate ,
But is this love thang . I don`t get the game
Why does it feels like those give in ...
They only wing up losing a friend ? ...

. Just 'cause I love you and you love me ...
. It doesn`t mean that we`ll ever be ...

Fly cross the ocean , sing for the Queen ...
But most frightening thing is You & Me !

Chorus :
I`m not scared of lions and tigers and bears [oh no]
But i`m scared of ...loving you .
Im not scared to perform at a sold out affair [that`s right]
But I`m scared of ... loving you ..

Am I the only one who thinks it`s an impossible task ?
Why it don`t last? . Is that too much to ask? .
. Why do we love L0VE ..when Love seems to hate us ?

. Why do we love L0VE ..when Love seems to hate us ? .

I`m not sure ...No , I`m not sure ...
But if we never try we`ll never know .
It`s better to have love than not to love at all ...
But trying is worst than to stumble and fall .
And if what we do ? ...
I`d rather it be with you ..
'Cause at least there will be ...
. Sweet memories . . .

Chorus :
I`m not scared of lions and tigers and bears [oh no]
But i`m scared of ...loving you .
Im not scared to perform at a sold out affair [that`s right]
But I`m scared of ... loving you ..

Am I the only one who thinks it`s an impossible task ?
Why ït don`t last? . Is that too much to ask? .
. Why do we love L0VE ..when Love seems to hate us ...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 359

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