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Headstrong - Adriana

adriana you never saw it coming
no time to think, much less react to the knife in your back

go burn a hole in the world, start walking
i'll be the one when i'm done double talking to you

take a second now, thanke the rest of your life
what's integrity when you can ooze on through the other side?

if i put my mind to it i can figure it out
if i put my mind to it i can figure it out
if i put my mind to it i can figure it out
if i put my mind to it i can figure it out

swarmed without end, how can you even pretend?
i'll stay you go. outside that i just don't know?

go burn a hole in the world start walking
i'll be the one when i'm done double talking to you

take a second now, take the rest of your life
what's integrity when you can ooze on through to the other side?

if i put my mind to it i can figure it out
if i put my mind to it i can figure it out
if i put my mind to it i can figure it out
if i put my mind to it i can figure it out

everyone stop screaming
just wrap your teeth around me
and hold me to this line
these scars are ours for all time
(the next time you see, you'll see it will not be me
the next time you see, you'll see it will not be me)

take a second now, take the rest of your life
what's integrity when you can ooze on through to the other side?

if i put my mind to it i can figure it out
if i put my mind to it i can figure it out
if i put my mind to it i can figure it out
if i put my mind to it i can figure it out?

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 199

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