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Hear'say - Another love

I'd be lying if I didn't tell you how the story went
You see he wasn't like the other guys that I had ever met

That's why I'm a holding tight every night
I go outta my mind
Thinking bout where you could be
No you're not with me
Where you go I need to be
Chasing you constantly
Instead I believe
That's why

You don't have no lover you love no one else but me
Yeah you will remember you see no one else but me

All I ever wanted was someone to show me
What it could be like and would feel like to be
As soon as I discovered there is nothing better
My baby and me and that's why

You don't have no lover you love no one else but me
Yeah you will remember you see no one else but me

Ho don't have no lover he loves no one else but me
And girl you must remember he sees no one else but me

That's why I'm a holding tight every night
I go outta my mind
Thinking bout where you could be
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Where you go I need to be
Chasing you constantly
Instead I believe
That's why

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 208

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