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Gratitude - If Ever

It's good to hear your voice
It's good to hear your breathing
You're running out of hours
Im running out reasons

Every time i turn around you're gone
But tonight i won't tell anyone

I should call the cops
Or i should call your father
But you're sayin' you don't care
So maybe i won't bother

Everybody notices when you're gone
Everybody wonders what they did wrong
All of us are waiting now, so long

But tonight i won't tell anyone
No, tonight i won't tell anyone
No, tonight i won't tell

Cos this time it's too late
I wont wait up
I wont wonder
It's a waste
I can see now
I am sober
I've been scared straight

Everytime i turn around you're gone
Finally you figured out what went wrong
So whether you can hear or not
So long

No, tonight i won't tell anyone
No, tonight i won't tell anyone
No, tonight i won't tell anyone

No, tonight i won't tell anyone

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 231

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