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Groove Coverage - 21st century digital girl

I got Brustimplants,
payed by my boyfriends.
I got a botoxinjection under my skin,
I only play with sex, but I don't let them in!

I got Brustimplants,
payed by my boyfriends
I got a botoxinjection under my skin
I only play with sex, but I don´t let them in!

I got fake nails, tell men to rull it.
I am a sillicon valley walking on two legs,
what surpise of the world I hear what a Chick.
Cause I´m a 21st Century digital Girl,
I don't know how to love, but I live in this world.
My daddy is a workaholic millionair, my mommy is on drugs,
but I don't really care!

Yeah yeah yeah YEAH!

I got a pussycat,
right in my Gucci bag,
I´ve got a firstclass-ticket, everythings permitted,
cause I can have it all!

[Refr. 2x]

21st Century Digital Girl,
21st Century Digital Girl,
21st Century Digital Gïrl,
21st Century

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 262

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