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Goldfrapp - Ride a white horse

Now take me dancing

At the Disco

Where you buy your


I wanna ride on a white horse

I want to ride on a white horse

When the light turns into darkness

Will he turn up to explain us?

I wanna ride on a white horse

I want to ride on a white horse

Lend me a whole new world

All night

Feel life

When is there ever sense

To love

This world

In the whirlpool

We'll go deeper

In this world that's

Getting cheaper

I wanna ride on a white horse

I want to ride on a white horse

I like dancing

At the disco

I want blisters

You're my leader

I wanna ride on a white horse

I want to ride on a white horse

Oh I love this feeling

Feels like forever

Oh I love this feeling

Feels lïke real


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 225

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