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Good Riddance - All fall down

give me sensibilities without ambition
give me accolades i've done nothing to collect
then you spread your plague of ignorance across the planet earth
robbing us of any self respect

it's a plan these are ways
to a person we all fall down
unless we rise as one and resist the right

when we cease to question war as entertainment
and christian battle hymns will keep us pacified
you can tie a yellow ribbon 'round your cock boy
you're just along for the ride

it's a plan these are ways
to a person we all fall down
unless we rise as one and resist the right

we all fall down!
we all fall down!
we all fall down!
we all fall down!

we all fall down
we all fall down
we all fall down
we all fall down!

the highbrow poxy liberals all fall down
the harbingers of eden all fall down
the corporate rock religion all falls down
the liar in the office he falls down

it's a plan these are ways
to a person we all fall down
unless we rise as one and resist the...
resis the right!

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 217

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