Words...don't come easy to me
How can i find a way to make you see ..i love you
Words don't come easy
Words...don't come easy to me
This is the only way for me to say ...i love you
Words don't come easy
Well, i'm just a music man
Melodies are so far my best friends
But my words are coming out wrong...girl
I reveal my heart to you and...
Hope that you believe it's true cause...
Words...don't come easy to me
How can i find a way to make you see ..i love you
Words don't come easy
This is just a simple song
That i, ve made for you on my own
There's no hidden meaning you know when i...
When i say i love you honey
Please believe I really do cause
Words...don't come easy to me
How can i find a way to make you see ..i love you
Words don't come easy
It isn't easy...words don't come easy
Words...don't come easy to me
How can i find a way to make you see ..i love you
Words don't come easy
Words...don't come easy to me
This is the only way for me to say ...i love you
Words don't come easy
words don't come easy
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 222
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