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Verse 1

I remember your name crying in the rain
When you left and closed my door.
I remember myself in my emptiness,
Waiting for that special call.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I'm begging your eyes to cry.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I wish I've never said goodbye.

Verse 2

I remember your name crying in the rain
When you left and closed my door.
I remember myself in my emptiness,
Waiting for that special call.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I'm begging your eyes to cry.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I wish I've never said goodbye.

Introducing Chorus

Y tu sabes que dijo...


My, my,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.
My, my,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.


Verse 1

I remember your name crying in the rain
When you left and closed my door.
I remember myself in my emptiness,
Waiting for that special call.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I'm begging your eyes to cry.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I wish I've never said goodbye.

Introducing Chorus

Y tu sabes que dïjo...


My, my,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.
My, my,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.



My, my,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.
My, my,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 184

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