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Eyes Set To Kill - All you ever knew

So blessed am I that you cut me out
Your life is in nothing but shambles now
Through thick and thin
I was there holding your hand
If one thing is certain
Nothing goes according to plan
And now I must ask
How could you?

All along the way, all along the way
As you kept failing I kept fighting
All you ever knew, all you ever knew
Is breaking like a wave as the sunlight fades.

You play the forsaken
Defined by a thin line
But before my time, you'll find yourself mistaken
For someone who had a shred of heart.

I am the one, I am the one
You'll never know until the day I'm gone.

All along the way, all along the way
As you kept failing I kept fighting
All you ever knew, all you ever knew
Is breaking like a wave as the sunlight fades.

And the riptide takes you
We lost you at sea.

All you ever knew, all you ever knew
Is breaking like a wave as the sunlight fades.

You should have known you can't fight fate [x3]
Make no mistake, I swear
You'll face your last day
I'll take you out and carry out your fate. [x2]

I am the one, I am the one
You'll never know until the day I'm gone. [x2]

All along the way, all along the way
As you kept failing I kept fighting
All you ever knew, all you ever knew
Is breaking like a wave as the sunlight fades.

And the riptide takes you
We lost you at sea.

All you ever knew, all you ever knew
Is breaking like a wave as the sunlight fades

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 228

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