The balkan girls they like to party
Like nobody, like nobody
It's time for me to rewid
I'm gonna start my weekend
With a tonical life
My girls take me for a ride
Ready to party and looking so fine
I wonder if, beyond this
There could be something better
Cause I feel so good tonight
Don't wanna leave this light
Chorus: x2
The balkan girls they like to party
Like nobody, like nobody
Control the light
We'll shine all night
My hips are ready to glow
This record is so hot
And I have so much to show
I'll find a boy for a kiss
Who know maybe he'll be my prince
I wonder if, beyond this
There could be something better
Cause I feel so good tonight
Don't wanna leave this light
Chorus: x2
The balkan girls they like to party
Like nobody, like nobody
Control the light
We'll shine all night
(You gotta live your life)
If you're little right now
When love is appart
And if you're a lonley, babe
Just open your mind
You're one of a kind
You've got to live your life
Chorus: x4
The balkan girls they like to party
Like nobody, like nobody
Control the light
We'll shine all nïght
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 216
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