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Donell Jones - Come back

I remember when we used to love
It seems like yesterday
You know that I understand
But I wish that you could stay
But you live far away
Seems so far away

Now I can't wait until the summertime
I know you'll be coming back real soon
Baby you know how much I'm missin' you
Said I'm missin' you, I'm missin' you

I been thinking about you lady
Things ain't been the same since you'be been gone
I can't live without you lady
So won't you come back, come back

No matter how long it takes
I'll wait for you
As I watch the seasons pass me by
God only knows that there's no mountains I won't climb
Cuz you stay in my heart and always on my mind

Life without you is just an empty world, yeah
What once was clear is now a blur
And this is something that I can't ignore
I'm missing you, I'm missing you

I been thinking about you lady
Things ain't been the same since you'be been gone
I can't live without you lady
So won't you come back, come back

Said I been waiting
Love I just can't live without, oh yeah
Instead I've been

I been thinking about you lady
Things ain't been the same since you'be been gone
I can't live wïthout you lady
So won't you come back, come back

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 268

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