I used to face the sun, hoping that the warmth would fill me up
But all i felt was cold and low, it was all i'd ever known
Get back the faith i'd lost, i denied myself the need to see
I was tired and weary, run down and blue
I couldn't see clearly, i opened my mind, then came you my angel
There just ain't no reason to suffer because there's you
Miles and miles of you
, f!h fj, e !!?
Then there's you
Miles and miles of you
, f!h fj, e !!?
All the people i thought i loved, they turned their backs on me
I can't believe i let them walk, let them walk all over me
Respect, i never got it, playing with my mind
I'd lost my way, i couldn't see, i was blind and confused, temporarily
And then came you
Miles and miles of you
, f!h fj, e !!?
Then there's you
Miles and miles of you
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 276
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