This day is suitable
To start something new
On this day I do that something
That something, "Why?"
It is time
And you become a
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
You can touch the sky
If you really
If you want, you can get away
It goes and another change
Become a truly
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Do not stop, continue
You become a Popstar
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 257
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