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DJ Sava - Sunshine

Ya betta’ listen to this!
When people are alive with fear don't cry... don't cry…
You know you’re not so lone down here... alright, alright...
When people have not hopes and dreams... alright, alright...
Fuck everybody let’s get high the sun will shine!
When people are alive with fear don't cry... don't cry!
You know you’re not so lone down here... alright, alright...
When people have not hopes and dreams... alright, alright...
Fuck everybody let’s get high… the sun will shine… alright…
The sun will shine… alright…
The sun will shine… oh no…
The sun will shine
The sun will shine
The sun will shine
You betta' know! Yo'!
I see the lights... gettin' so brighta'...
Making me feel so righta'
Working on the show... working on the flow
When people are alive with fear don't cry... don't cry…
You know you’re not so lone down here... alright, alright...
When people have not hopes and dreams... alright, alright...
Fuck everybody let’s get high the sun will shine!
When people are alive with fear don't cry... don't cry!
You know you’re not so lone down here... alright, alright...
When people have not hopes and dreams... alright, alright...
Fuck everybody let’s get high… the sun will shine… alright…
The sun will shine… alright…
The sun will shine… oh no…
The sun will shine…

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 392

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