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Da Buzz - Cause i need your love

Come back to me.

I want you to hold my hand I want you to understand.
Time and space will never ever be the reason why.
In my mind i belive. Will you forgive the things that you see.
If you leave me now. You always be inside of me.

Cause i need your love.
Baby you'r the one for me.
Can you see i'm always there.
I wanna hold your hand. Baby please come back to me.

So tell me whats the deal. I will risk it all. All for you.
I hope you will belive the things i try to say to you.
All i dream of is you. Why do i love you like i do.
If you leave me now. You always be inside of me.

Cause i need your love…

You came onto my room and saw.
Saw me there standing all alone.
Please forgive me. My love is true.
It's never to late.

Cause i need your love…..

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 373

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